The Holy Spirit Altar Society is a women’s organization that includes every registered woman age 18 and older in our parish. One of the major functions of our organization is to raise funds to provide supplies for the Altar (altar wine, altar bread, candles, flowers, etc.). Our major fundraisers are the annual Craft Fair held the second Saturday in November and annual Bake Sale held in February. The budget is also supplemented by annual membership dues of $20. Another opportunity to contribute financially is to donate to the flower fund.
We have added Guilds to the Altar Society. Guilds are spiritual/social small groups of ladies that meet each month so ladies can become better acquainted with each other and united in our faith. The current Guilds are:
Each and every Knights of Columbus Council has no affiliation with a particular parish. A Knights’ Council may meet in a parish facility, in a secular facility, or in a Council Hall built and owned by the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal society, a Catholic lay organization founded by a priest, Father McGivney, which has its own special role to play in the church.
“Only practical Catholics in union with the Holy See shall be eligible to and entitled to continue membership in the Order. An applicant for membership shall not be less than 18 years of age on his last birthday.” (Sec. 101)
Practical means that the person attends mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, contributes to the support of the church, is in a valid marriage, is not engaged in any illicit or seriously sinful activities, follows the teachings of Christ and his Church, is not a member of a forbidden or secret society, strives to have a greater knowledge of the teachings of Christ and His church, and is, in short, an exemplary Catholic gentleman and a dutiful patriotic citizen.
The purpose for which the Knights of Columbus is formed is the following:
Each Council is to meet twice a month. One meeting is to do the business of the Council. The other meeting is to be social in nature. The meetings of the officers are in addition to the two regular monthly meetings.
You are invited to share your prayer needs with others in our parish. Please send your requests and intentions to [email protected] or by phone: 405-376-3824
Please be assured that the Prayer Network continues to pray for the full list of people.
Saint Vincent de Paul is an organization that seeks to serve Christ in those in need. Whether you are Catholic or not, the SVDP conference here at Holy Spirit is willing to help you by directing you to local resources or providing other types of assistance.
Given that we are a charitable organization, we always welcome and encourage all those who are willing and able to help us in this mission by offering us your time, your financial resources and your prayers.
To reach the St. Vincent de Paul Conference of Holy Spirit, please call 580-498-5534 or email [email protected].
... For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’
–The Gospel of Saint Matthew, 25:35–40, RSVCE
Walking with Moms in Need is a nationwide, parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. It works to ensure that any woman who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, or parenting in difficult circumstances, can turn to her local Catholic Church and be connected with the resources she needs. Volunteers walk with moms throughout the motherhood journey, offering them authentic Christian friendship and ongoing support.
Walking with Moms in Need Video
Available Resources include:
To reach the Walking with Mom's in Need of Holy Spirit, please call 405-723-9959.