Guidelines for the Use of Meeting Rooms at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
When using any meeting room, please follow the guidelines below:
You may rearrange the room to meet your meeting requirements, but the room must be returned to the way you found it when you came. By doing so, you show your consideration for the next group that will use the room.
When leaving, check the bathrooms to make sure the lights are off and the water is not running. Please report anything to the parish office that has been broken or in need of maintenance
Pick up your trash, take the trash bag out of the trash can, tie the bag, and put it by the meeting room door for the custodian to pick up.
If your group is the last group to leave the building, be sure all the exit doors are locked.
The normal order of reserving the meeting rooms will be to reserve a meet ing room in the parish hall or church first, and then to reserve a meeting room in the Pavilion Classroom Building (PCB) if needed. Making first use of the rooms that are part of the church/parish hall complex enables more efficient use of utilities. Guidelines specifically for use of meeting rooms in Pavilion Classroom Building (PCB).
You must sign out a door key from office personnel during office hours, and then return the key to the office within 24 hours after your meeting. You are responsible for the key until it is returned to the parish office. Your cooperation in this matter is a courtesy to the next group that wants to use a meeting room in the PCB
Do not adjust the thermostat in the hallway of the PCB.
When using a meeting room in the PCB, make sure the AC/Heater wall unit is turned off when you leave. If your group is the last group to leave the building, as a courtesy please check the other rooms and turn off any AC/Heater unites that are still running.
Be sure all windows and doors are closed and locked before you leave.
(Revised February 4, 2016)
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish Parishioners will be allowed to approach parishioners for the purpose of selling items for organizations such as sponsored by Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and/or School Fundraisers. As a representative of that organization, they would be allowed to sell on an individual basis only, and would not be allowed to set up or display goods for fundraising purposes.
Fund raising activities by Holy Spirit Catholic Parish organizations, entities associated with Holy Spirit Parish, and Knights of Columbus, will need to be approved by Pastor and be scheduled with office personnel if so approved. In the event that Parish Pastor is not available to make a decision, the person so appointed by Parish Pastor to be in charge will make the decision to approve or not.
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish organizations, entities associated with Holy Spirit Parish, and Knights of Columbus, will be allowed to set up or display goods for fundraising purposes on Holy Spirit Catholic Parish property, including parking lot, if the purpose is for a parish/church sponsored event.
Setting up displays for selling of goods for personal income will not be allowed at any time on Holy Spirit Catholic Parish property including parking lot.